About Us

Vinco is an ancient Latin word meaning, "to conquer, overcome, or master ".  Our goal is to help every person who uses CPAP or BiPAP therapy conquer and overcome one of the most common issues related to this treatment - one that all too often leads people to stop using their equipment - air leak.  But even the best fitting mask will leak if the hose pulls on it during the night during the random head, arm, or body movements we all experience during sleep.


Mask leak can wreak havoc on your sleep!


At, Vinco CPAP, LLC, our mission is to help you sleep better.  We care about your sleep quality and the positive impacts better sleep can have on your life and your health.  We were founded by a board-certified neurologist and sleep physician with over 15 years of experience treating people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).  We understand how important it is to fully control sleep apnea every night in order to prevent the harm to your body and mind it can otherwise cause. 


We are here to help!


For many people, using CPAP/BiPAP therapy all night, every night, is simply too frustrating due to air leak issues.  Frequent awakenings to deal with air leak issues can leave you feeling even more tired in the morning than you do without treatment.  As a result, some people stop treatment during the night or else give up on CPAP/BiPAP therapy altogether.  But then their sleep apnea remains untreated, and their symptoms and the impacts it has on their body remain uncontrolled. 


That's where we come in! 


Our comfortable, flexible, customizable, patented arm band was developed out of necessity.  Just a short time into our founder's own journey with CPAP therapy his sleep was frequently interrupted by air leak caused by the hose tugging on his mask, causing the seal to break.  The sound of the airflow and/or the air blowing into his eyes would awaken him.  He realized that if some slack could be built into the section of hose traveling between the mask and his arm, the issue would be solved.  A few prototypes later, it was.  


Vinco CPAP to the rescue!

We believe our arm band will help you, too, get better quality, more restorative sleep.  This simple device can make all the difference in controlling air leak from around the mask, thereby preventing frequent sleep disruptions.  Wake up feeling more refreshed with a Vinco CPAP arm band!